Which Chickens Lay Blue Eggs? A Guide to Blue Egg Layers - casadechicka

Which Chickens Lay Blue Eggs? A Guide to Blue Egg Layers

If you're looking to add some color to your egg basket, blue eggs may be just what you're looking for. Blue eggs are not only beautiful, but they are also just as nutritious and delicious as any other egg. But which chickens lay blue eggs? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the different breeds of chickens that lay blue eggs and provide some helpful tips for raising them. 

Blue Egg Layers: Breeds to Consider 


The Araucana chicken is perhaps the most well-known breed of chicken that lays blue eggs. These chickens are native to South America and were first imported to the United States in the 1930s. They are known for their unique ear tufts and feathered legs, which give them a distinctive appearance. Araucanas lay blue eggs that can range in color from light blue to green. 


The Ameraucana chicken is a breed that was developed in the United States in the 1970s. They were bred from the Araucana chicken but do not have the ear tufts or feathered legs. Instead, they have a beard and muffs around their face. Ameraucanas lay blue eggs that are a consistent blue color, with no green tint. 

Easter Egger

The Easter Egger is not a specific breed of chicken, but rather a mixed breed that has been bred to lay blue or green eggs. They can be any combination of breeds, but they all carry the gene for blue eggs. Easter Eggers are known for their friendly personalities and can lay eggs that range in color from light blue to green. 

Cream Legbar

The Cream Legbar is a breed of chicken that was developed in the United Kingdom in the 1930s. They are known for their beautiful crested heads and feathered legs. Cream Legbars lay blue eggs that are a pastel blue color. 

Chickens that Lay Other Colored Eggs 

In addition to blue eggs, there are other colors of eggs that chickens can lay. Here are some of the other colors of eggs that you may see in your egg basket: 

Brown: Brown eggs are the most common color of eggs that chickens lay. Many different breeds of chickens can lay brown eggs, including Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, and Sussex. 

White: White eggs are also quite common and can be laid by many different breeds of chickens, including Leghorns and White Rocks. 

Green: Green eggs are similar to blue eggs in that they are less common than brown or white eggs. They are typically laid by chickens that carry the gene for blue eggs, but with a different variation that produces a green tint. The most common breed of chicken that lays green eggs is the Olive Egger, a mixed breed that is a cross between a blue egg layer and a brown egg layer. 

Raising Blue Egg Layers 

If you're interested in raising chickens that lay blue eggs, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips for raising blue egg layers:

Choose the right breed: As we discussed earlier, there are several different breeds of chickens that lay blue eggs. Do your research and choose a breed that will work best for your climate and lifestyle. 

Provide proper nutrition: All chickens, including blue egg layers, need a balanced diet to lay healthy eggs. Make sure your chickens have access to a high-quality layer feed that is specifically formulated for their needs. 

Provide a clean and comfortable living space: Chickens that are stressed or uncomfortable may stop laying eggs. Make sure your chickens have plenty of space to move around, clean bedding, and access to fresh water and food. 

Protect your flock: Predators can be a serious threat to your chickens, so it's important to take steps to protect them. Consider investing in a sturdy coop and run, and make sure your chickens are securely locked up at night. 

Monitor for health issues: Keep an eye on your chickens for signs of illness or injury. Common health issues in chickens include mites, lice, respiratory infections, and egg-binding. Address any health issues promptly to prevent them from affecting egg production. 

Provide enough light: Chickens need a certain amount of light each day to lay eggs. If your chickens aren't getting enough natural light, consider providing supplemental lighting in their coop to help stimulate egg production. 

Adding some blue eggs to your egg basket can be a fun way to add some color and variety to your flock. By choosing the right breed of chicken, providing proper nutrition and care, and protecting your flock from predators and health issues, you can enjoy a consistent supply of delicious blue eggs. Whether you choose to raise Araucanas, Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, or Cream Legbars, you're sure to love the beauty and flavor of their blue eggs.

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