Which Chickens Have the Most Colorful Eggs? - casadechicka

Which Chickens Have the Most Colorful Eggs?

If you’re looking to add a pop of color to your breakfast plate or your backyard, you might be interested in raising chickens that lay colorful eggs. While most of us are used to seeing the standard white or brown eggs at the grocery store, there are actually several chicken breeds that lay eggs in a range of hues, from blue and green to pink and speckled. In this article, we’ll explore some of the chicken breeds that lay the most colorful eggs and what makes them special.


The Ameraucana is a breed of chicken that’s known for its blue eggs. These eggs are a light, pastel blue, and they’re often described as having a “sky blue” or “robin’s egg” color. Ameraucanas are also known for their fluffy cheeks and beards, which give them a distinctive appearance. They’re medium-sized birds that are relatively quiet and docile, making them a good choice for backyard flocks. 

Easter Egger

The Easter Egger is a chicken breed that’s closely related to the Ameraucana, and they’re often confused with each other. While they look similar, Easter Eggers are actually a hybrid breed that’s created by crossing Ameraucanas with other breeds, so their egg colors can vary widely. Some Easter Eggers lay blue or green eggs, while others lay pink, brown, or speckled eggs. They’re friendly, easy-going birds that are good for families and beginners. 

Olive Egger

If you’re looking for something truly unique, the Olive Egger might be the chicken breed for you. These birds lay eggs that are a dark olive or khaki green color, and they’re the result of crossbreeding blue egg layers with brown egg layers. The specific breed of chicken used to create Olive Eggers can vary, but some common breeds include Ameraucanas, Marans, and Welsummers. Olive Eggers are usually friendly and hardy birds, and they can be a good choice for backyard flocks. 


The Marans is a breed of chicken that’s known for its dark, chocolate-colored eggs. The egg color can range from a deep, rich brown to almost black, and the eggs are highly prized by chefs and foodies for their unique color and flavor. Marans are medium-sized birds that are known for their calm and friendly temperament. They can be a good choice for backyard flocks, but they do require a bit of extra care, as they’re prone to certain health issues.


The Leghorn is a breed of chicken that’s known for its prolific egg-laying ability. While Leghorns typically lay white eggs, there’s a rare variety of Leghorn known as the “California Gray” that lays blue eggs. These eggs are a pale blue or blue-gray color, and they’re highly sought after by egg collectors and enthusiasts. Leghorns are active, independent birds that can be a good choice for backyard flocks, but they can be skittish and difficult to handle. 


The Welsummer is a breed of chicken that’s known for its rich, terracotta-colored eggs. These eggs are a deep, reddish-brown color with small speckles, and they’re highly prized for their appearance and flavor. Welsummers are medium-sized birds that are known for their calm and friendly temperament. They’re also hardy and can tolerate cold weather well, making them a good choice for backyard flocks in colder climates. 

While these breeds are known for laying colorful eggs, it's important to note that egg color can vary within a breed and even within an individual chicken. The diet and environment of the chicken can also impact the color of their eggs. 

In addition to their egg-laying abilities, it's also important to consider other factors when choosing a breed of chicken. Factors such as temperament, size, and cold hardiness should also be taken into consideration when selecting a breed for your backyard flock. 

Overall, there are several breeds of chickens that are known for their beautiful, colorful eggs. Whether you're looking for blue, green, or brown eggs, there is a breed out there that can meet your needs. By doing your research and selecting the right breed for your backyard flock, you can enjoy the beauty and flavor of fresh, colorful eggs right from your own backyard.

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