Which Breeds of Chickens are the Best Egg Layers? - casadechicka

Which Breeds of Chickens are the Best Egg Layers?

If you're looking to start a backyard flock of chickens, one of the primary factors to consider is their egg-laying capabilities. After all, the whole point of keeping chickens is to have a regular supply of fresh eggs!

But with so many breeds of chickens out there, how do you know which ones are the best egg layers? In this article, we'll take a look at some of the top egg-laying breeds and what makes them such great layers.


 Rhode Island Red

rhode island red hen

The Rhode Island Red is one of the most popular chicken breeds for backyard flocks, and for good reason - they are excellent egg layers. These birds are medium-sized and have brown feathers, with a gentle and friendly disposition. They are hardy and can adapt to a variety of climates, making them a good choice for beginners. 

Rhode Island Reds are known for their large brown eggs, which they lay consistently throughout the year. They can lay up to 300 eggs per year, making them one of the most prolific egg-laying breeds.



leghorn chicken

Leghorns are another popular breed for backyard flocks, particularly for those who are primarily interested in egg production. These birds are small and slender, with white feathers and bright red combs and wattles. They are active and alert, and can be somewhat skittish around humans.


Leghorns are known for their large, white eggs, which they lay consistently throughout the year. They are extremely prolific layers, with some hens laying up to 320 eggs per year. However, they can be somewhat noisy and may not be the best choice for those living in close proximity to neighbors.




The Australorp is a breed of chicken that was developed in Australia in the early 20th century. These birds are large and stately, with glossy black feathers that have a greenish sheen in the sunlight. They are known for their calm and docile personalities, and can make excellent pets as well as egg layers. 

Australorps are excellent egg layers, producing large brown eggs consistently throughout the year. They can lay up to 250 eggs per year, making them a good choice for those who are looking for a balance of egg production and temperament.


Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock hen

The Plymouth Rock is a hardy and adaptable breed that is well-suited to backyard flocks. They have black and white striped feathers and a friendly disposition, and can be easily tamed and trained. They are also relatively large, making them a good choice for those who want to raise chickens for both eggs and meat. 

Plymouth Rocks are known for their brown eggs, which they lay consistently throughout the year. They can lay up to 280 eggs per year, making them a good choice for those who want a balance of egg production and size.



sussex hen

The Sussex is a breed of chicken that originated in England, and is known for its striking black and white feathers. These birds are calm and friendly, and are easy to handle and care for. They are also hardy and adaptable, making them a good choice for backyard flocks in a variety of climates.

Sussex chickens are known for their large, creamy white eggs, which they lay consistently throughout the year. They can lay up to 250 eggs per year, making them a good choice for those who want a balance of egg production and personality.



buff orphington hen

The Orpington is a large and docile breed of chicken that was developed in England in the late 19th century. They have fluffy feathers that come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, buff, and white. They are known for their calm and friendly personalities, and can make excellent pets as well as egg layers.

Orpingtons are good egg layers , producing large brown eggs consistently throughout the year. They can lay up to 200 eggs per year, making them a good choice for those who want a balance of egg production and temperament.



maran hen

Marans are a breed of chicken that originated in France, and are known for their deep, dark brown eggs. They have black or copper-colored feathers, and a friendly and curious personality. They are hardy and adaptable, making them a good choice for backyard flocks in a variety of climates.

Marans hens are known for laying a smaller number of eggs per year - typically around 150 - but their eggs are highly prized for their rich flavor and dark color. They are a good choice for those who are interested in having a variety of egg colors in their flock.



speckled hamburg hen

The Hamburg is a small and active breed of chicken that is known for its egg-laying abilities. They have a distinctive black and white or silver and white plumage, and a friendly and curious personality. They are active and alert, and can be somewhat skittish around humans. 

Hamburgs are excellent egg layers, producing small white eggs consistently throughout the year. They can lay up to 200 eggs per year, making them a good choice for those who are primarily interested in egg production.



Easter Egger

easer egger

The Easter Egger is not a breed of chicken, but rather a type of chicken that is known for its colorful eggs. These chickens can have a variety of feather colors and patterns, and can be a mix of different breeds. They are known for their friendly personalities and hardy nature. 

Easter Eggers are not the most prolific egg layers, but they are known for their colorful and unique eggs. They can lay eggs in shades of blue, green, and even pink. They are a good choice for those who are interested in having a variety of egg colors in their flock.

When it comes to choosing the best egg-laying chickens for your backyard flock, there are a lot of factors to consider. Some breeds are known for their egg production capabilities, while others are known for their personalities and temperament. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your individual needs and preferences.


The Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, Australorp, Plymouth Rock, Sussex, Orpington, Marans, Hamburg, and Easter Egger are all excellent choices for backyard egg-laying flocks. Whether you're looking for high egg production, unique egg colors, or friendly and docile personalities, there is sure to be a breed that is right for you.

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