Fluffy Butt Blog

Brahma Poultry: Gentle Giants of the Chicken World
Welcome to the magnificent world of Brahma Poultry, where size does matter, and the gentleness of giants is not just a fairy tale. If you’re intrigued by these feathery behemoths,...
Brahma Poultry: Gentle Giants of the Chicken World
Welcome to the magnificent world of Brahma Poultry, where size does matter, and the gentleness of giants is not just a fairy tale. If you’re intrigued by these feathery behemoths,...

12 Egg-cellent Reasons to Have a Flock of Chickens
Thinking about adding a flock of chickens to your backyard? You're not alone! Raising chickens has become increasingly popular, and it's not just about the fresh eggs. There's a whole...
12 Egg-cellent Reasons to Have a Flock of Chickens
Thinking about adding a flock of chickens to your backyard? You're not alone! Raising chickens has become increasingly popular, and it's not just about the fresh eggs. There's a whole...

The Silkie Chicken: A Fluffy Wonder of the Poul...
Silkies are like the unicorns of the poultry universe – mysterious, magical, and irresistibly cute. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the history of Silkies, the differences between types, their...
The Silkie Chicken: A Fluffy Wonder of the Poul...
Silkies are like the unicorns of the poultry universe – mysterious, magical, and irresistibly cute. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the history of Silkies, the differences between types, their...

The Rhode Island Red Chicken: An American Icon ...
Rhode Island Reds are the poster birds of the poultry world - hardy, versatile, and prolific layers. In this blog, we'll explore everything about these cluck-worthy chickens: their history, the...
The Rhode Island Red Chicken: An American Icon ...
Rhode Island Reds are the poster birds of the poultry world - hardy, versatile, and prolific layers. In this blog, we'll explore everything about these cluck-worthy chickens: their history, the...

Polish Chickens: The Regal, Quirky, and Egg-cep...
Welcome to the fascinating world of Polish Chickens! Known for their striking appearance and playful personalities, these birds are more than just pretty feathers. We’ll explore the history, personality, appearance,...
Polish Chickens: The Regal, Quirky, and Egg-cep...
Welcome to the fascinating world of Polish Chickens! Known for their striking appearance and playful personalities, these birds are more than just pretty feathers. We’ll explore the history, personality, appearance,...

A Guide to Heritage and Rare Chicken Breeds: Hi...
Welcome back, chicken connoisseurs! As we delve deeper into the enchanting world of heritage and rare chicken breeds, prepare to uncover more about these avian wonders. From their storied pasts...
A Guide to Heritage and Rare Chicken Breeds: Hi...
Welcome back, chicken connoisseurs! As we delve deeper into the enchanting world of heritage and rare chicken breeds, prepare to uncover more about these avian wonders. From their storied pasts...